DIY Detachable Collars

Hi everyone! its been a while now since my last post. My life has been very busy again taking care of multiple things that I really can't bring into last priority. I am supposed to get to bed and rest my ass but really missed blogging so much and I know I still have a log of blogs so I got my pc and turn on my internet.

DIY Detachable Collar, Gold Detachable Collar, baby collar, gold collar, unique collar, collar with crystal buttons, collar for chicks, fashionable collar, quirky collar, bubbly collar, collar design, how to create collar, collar pattern, DIY collar, modern collar design, modern collar look, royal collar, sequenced collar

Much for that! hehe - DIY girls this is for you! These day's querky thing just pops out and became a trend. For months now detachable collar has been one of those I find funny and crazy yet very intresting accessory. You can find a lot of this released by known brands like Romwe. Some bloggers also tried to create one as this may look very simple but nuh-a not as you think, some of these can be very decieving as it may look easy but will make you realize how tricky it was at the end.

Well I find this one cute so I tried creating my own when I am out of my blogging world and here it is. A gold detachable collar, baby collar is my personal choice because this is the most simple design I know.

Want to know how to create yours? Here is how I did mine in four easy steps.

1. Chose your fabric, mine I picked a gold knitted one. Just a suggestion, if you are a beginner try to start with a woven fabric as not all machines special those portable ones will work on knitted fabrics. Common problems is the machine is skipping stitches.

2. Create your pattern and apply it on your fabric.

DIY Detachable Collar, Gold Detachable Collar, baby collar, gold collar, unique collar, collar with crystal buttons, collar for chicks, fashionable collar, quirky collar, bubbly collar, collar design, how to create collar, collar pattern, DIY collar, modern collar design, modern collar look, royal collar, sequenced collar

3. Sew.

DIY Detachable Collar, Gold Detachable Collar, baby collar, gold collar, unique collar, collar with crystal buttons, collar for chicks, fashionable collar, quirky collar, bubbly collar, collar design, how to create collar, collar pattern, DIY collar, modern collar design, modern collar look, royal collar, sequenced collar

4. And attached the button. And violla had mine! How about yours? mind sharing it with us?

DIY Detachable Collar, Gold Detachable Collar, baby collar, gold collar, unique collar, collar with crystal buttons, collar for chicks, fashionable collar, quirky collar, bubbly collar, collar design, how to create collar, collar pattern, DIY collar, modern collar design, modern collar look, royal collar, sequenced collar

Still need help?drop your comment and I will get back to you as soon as I can :)


  1. I'm followng you.. hope you follow back =)

  2. I really wish I had the patience and the skills for this. Great DIY!

  3. I love collar..
    You are good in making a DYI collar. I wish I could stitch also to make everything...

    Follow my blog at

  4. i love collars!! amazing!


  5. Very resourceful & creative. Lovely result :)

  6. Great collar!!

    Feel free to visit me...maybe we can follow each other...

  7. just followed :) waiting for your response :)

  8. Just beautiful and cool!!! following you :) come check out the fabrics we bought for our vegan shoe line!! :) xoxo MUMU

  9. I am glad to join your blog and follow you.I love it! Would you like to follow me back?


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